Heart of Hinduism

In many discussions and arguments I have had tried to explain to many about true Hinduism which is quite distant from "hindutava". In my browsing I found this website really putting details in a very understandable way. It was usually next to impossible for me to explain Hinduism but this website does it quite well.

Overview of Hindu Theology
Almost all Hindus believe that the real self (atman) is distinct from the temporary body made of matter (prakriti). The eternal soul identifies with matter and is entrapped by maya (illusion). Impelled by lust, greed, anger, etc., he undergoes samsara (the cycle of repeated birth and death). Each soul creates its unique destiny according to the law of karma (the universal law of action and reaction). Under the influence of eternal time and the three gunas (material qualities) he moves throughout the creation, sometimes going to higher planets, sometimes moving in human society, and at other times entering the lower species.

The goal of most Hindus is moksha, liberation from this perpetual cycle, through re-identification with the eternal brahman (Supreme). Hinduism accepts different paths towards this common goal (union with God). Nonetheless, it stresses strict adherence to universal principles through the practice of one's dharma (ordained duty) as revealed through authorised holy books nd usually received through the guru (spiritual mentor).

Key Concept Key Questions
1. The Atman (the Soul) = Who are we? What is the real self?
2. Reincarnation and Samsara = What happens after death, before birth?
3.The Law of Karma = Why is there suffering?
4. Prakriti (Matter) and Guna = How does the world work?
5. Maya (Illusion) = Why do we get into difficulty in this world?
6. moksha (Liberation) = What is the goal of life?
7. God (Brahman/Ishvara) = Is there a God? If so, what is He/She like?
8. Dharma (religious duties) = Which is the right way to act?
9. One Goal, Different Paths = How can we explain Hindu diversity?
10. Scripture and Guru (Authority) = How are the teachings preserved?
11 .Time = When did it all start and when will it finish?
12. Creation = How and why was this world made?

I am recording this on the blog because I have recently got very interested in the 'Karma Theory'
The law of karma underpins the process of transmigration of the soul. Karma literally means "action," but more often refers to the accumulated reactions to activities. Thus we talk of "good karma" and "bad karma," which are stored reactions that gradually unfold to determine our unique destiny. The self-determination and accountability of the individual soul rests on its capacity for free choice. This is exercised only in the human form. Whilst in lower species, the atman takes no moral decisions but is instead bound by instinct. Therefore, although all species of life are subject to the reactions of past activities, such karma is generated only while in the human form. Human life alone is a life of responsibility.
The Bhagavad-gita categorises karma, listing three kinds of human actions: (1) Karma: those which elevate, (2) Vikarma: those which degrade and (3) Akarma: those which create neither good nor bad reactions and thus lead to liberation.

Also, does anyone really believe or has experienced a "Soul-Mate" or "Twin-Flame"?


Anks said...

hi... wish you a happy new year...

do soul mates exist?

Moonie said...

Happy New Year!!!

Anks, thats the Q I am asking you :D :)

fursat said...

I read about all this in Bhagawad Gita although a lot of the matter was too deep for me to fully understand it but it is an interesting study :-)

Anonymous said...

Moonie, what you wrote is very true.

Absolute FREEDOM OF THOUGHTS & ACTIONS is the cardinal principle of Hinduism. As such it has many scriptures written by many sages all of them are very important.

Even an atheist can boldly condemn Hinduism in the market and proudly proclaim he or she is a Hindu.

At the same time, all scriptures agree on few things.

1. Man's problem is the FALSE KNOWLEDGE that he is the perishable material body.

2. The moment he achieves the TRUE KNOWLEDGE or realizes that he is the ATMAN, the immortal soul within
he will achieve salvation.

3. That is the reason why Hindu Salvation is known as SELF REALIZATION [ realizing one is the immortal soul within]

4. There are four methods to attain self realization. Every one including all those who are alien to Hinduism, even agnostics and atheists, follow one of the four methods to attain self realization.

5. Those four methods are:

A. JANANA YOGA ; [path of knowledge]—Hindus have 6 philosophies called Darshanas.

B—KARMA YOGA; [path of unattached, unmotivated actions and thoughts]

C—BHAKTI YOGA; [ path of total surrender of one’s will to God]

D—RAJA YOGA. [path of breathing and Pranayama–eradication of thoughts]